Systems Setup Service
Done-For-You Systems Setup that takes your business backend from a disorganized mess to a streamlined system that you can easily maintain - in just one day!
What’s Included:
Through my unique process, you will not only crunch numbers but you will be able to set a net pay goal based on your specific needs and dreams.
The PNL, Inventory, and Invoicing spreadsheets are included with our systems setup package.
Customizing your sheet to fit the needs of your business
Applying your branding, logo, and company structure to your spreadsheets.
Importing your company inventory, pricing, and vendor links.
Customized invoices.
The Investment
Knowing how to analyze your numbers can truly make a big impact on your bottom line. I’ll teach you where to look and how to interpret your data to make smarter day-to-day decisions. You’ll step away with better time management, clearer decision-making, more strategic marketing efforts, and much more.
Full-Day: $750
Half-Day: $350